Africa's Economy: Blaxit, Diaspora Entrepreneurs, & the Path to Prosperity-Have you heard about “Blaxit”?

Discover how the Blaxit movement and diaspora entrepreneurs are reshaping Africa's economy through collaboration and partnership. Learn how to harness the collective ingenuity of the diaspora and African nations for shared prosperity. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain valuable insights and be part of the conversation shaping Africa's future.


Tanya Kabuya

2/25/202410 min read

What Is Blaxit ?
What Is Blaxit ?

In recent years, a compelling movement has emerged, advocating for the return of Black/African Americans and people of African descent to Africa, coined as "Blaxit."

In the current global landscape, the resonance of "Blaxit" reverberates louder than ever.

This movement, urging Black/African Americans and people of African descent worldwide to return to Africa, encapsulates a multifaceted journey of economic opportunity and cultural reclamation.

It transcends geographical confines, resonating with individuals seeking not only better economic prospects but also a profound reconnection with their ancestral roots. As African nations extend a welcoming embrace to skilled migrants, the potential ramifications for Africa's economy are staggering

Blaxit stands poised to usher in a new era of economic revitalization, innovation, and collaboration, setting the stage for a path to prosperity previously untapped.

It has the power to revitalize local industries, ignite innovation, and forge partnerships between the diaspora and African nations. Let's delve deeper into this transformative phenomenon.

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The Roots of Blaxit: A Historical Perspective

To truly grasp the significance of Blaxit, one must delve into the annals of history, where the seeds of this movement were sown amidst the darkest chapters of human exploitation.

The echoes of the Atlantic slave trade still resonate, a haunting reminder of the systematic displacement of Africans that fueled the rise of global powers.

Colonization further exacerbated Africa's plight, as resources were plundered and labor exploited to enrich distant shores.

The aftermath of colonialism left Africa burdened with debts and systemic barriers designed to perpetuate poverty, laying the foundation for what Nigerians aptly term the "Japa" movement – a desperate exodus in search of elusive greener pastures in the West.

Opportunity in Adversity: The Rise of Blaxit

Yet, from the ashes of adversity, Blaxit emerges as a beacon of hope and empowerment. It embodies a collective reclaiming of identity, agency, and economic autonomy, offering a glimmer of possibility amidst a history fraught with oppression.

At its core, Blaxit urges individuals to transcend the confines of imposed narratives and forge a new path toward economic prosperity and cultural reconnection.

It is a call to action, an invitation to reimagine Africa not as a land of despair, but as a beacon of opportunity and resilience.

Why does Blaxit Hold Such Significance?

Blaxit holds immense significance in catalyzing the growth of the African economy by addressing the systemic issues that have long hindered progress. 

Firstly, the actions of exploiting Africa's resources without equitable compensation or investment in local infrastructure have perpetuated a cycle of economic dependency and underdevelopment. 

This exploitation, coupled with corrupt governance and inadequate investment in education and healthcare, has created a landscape rife with inequality and instability. The top three symptoms of this problem include widespread poverty, limited access to quality education and healthcare, and a lack of infrastructure for sustainable development.

 These challenges are exacerbated by deeply ingrained beliefs that Africa is inherently inferior and incapable of achieving prosperity without external intervention. 

However, Blaxit challenges these beliefs by empowering individuals to reclaim agency and invest in Africa's future. 

A compelling story I heard was that of Akua, a Ghanaian beauty entrepreneur who migrated to the United States in search of better opportunities.

Before embracing Blaxit, Akua faced a myriad of challenges that came with emigration, notwithstanding limited access to capital, market barriers, and a lack of support networks. 

This adversely affected her business, stifling growth and innovation. 

Had she not decided to return to Ghana and leverage her skills and resources to drive change, Akua's beauty salon business would have likely stagnated, perpetuating the cycle of economic stagnation.

 However, by partnering with local stakeholders, and accessing funding through an unofficial crowdfunding drive with friends and family to support her Blaxit initiative to return to Ghana, she then leveraged her expertise to create a subscription solution tailored to the African market, and Akua's business has thrived. Today, she is a trailblazer in her industry, driving economic growth and creating employment opportunities for her community. 

Another significant thing to note is that the combined spending power of Black consumers is expected to see a significant boost, going from $910 billion in 2019 to a whopping $1.7 trillion by 2030. 

Despite this promising outlook, black communities often face unique challenges, such as living in areas with limited access to goods and services and being underserved across various sectors. 

According to McKinsey's Shelley Stewart III, brands must cater to Black consumers, not only for their benefit but also to improve overall customer service, especially as the nations 's population becomes more diverse. Stewart stresses the importance of companies developing strategies that prioritize meeting the needs of diverse customer bases, highlighting the significance of inclusivity and adaptability in today's competitive business environment.

Looking ahead, it becomes evident that this advocacy movement holds significant legitimacy, fueled by the economic power wielded by the black diaspora.

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Building Bridges: Collaboration and Partnership

Central to the ethos of Blaxit is the notion of collaboration – a bridging of divides between the diaspora and African nations in pursuit of shared prosperity.

Through fostering partnerships, trade relations, and knowledge exchange, both parties stand to reap the dividends of economic growth and development. 

The diaspora brings with it a wealth of expertise, networks, and resources, while African nations offer a burgeoning market ripe with potential. 

Together, they possess the collective ingenuity to drive sustainable progress and unlock the continent's untapped potential.

This was fundamental to this roundtable conversation held on LinkedIn by Ashley Cleveland, also known as AshleyinAfrika on YouTube, who left her $100K job in the U.S. to teach families and entrepreneurs how to do business in Africa, Michael Frisk, who grew up in Sweden, now relocating back to Africa to set up his businesses in Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, and South Africa, Bill Hutson, who co-founded a crowdfunding platform Raiseway and spoke about how African businesses can benefit from the Blaxit movement, Ezra Anajonu, who co-founded Bus54, a company making bus travel easier across Africa, who highlighted what governments can do to attract more people from the diaspora, Obehi Ewanfoh, an author and founder of an ed-tech company Aclasses, who encourages Africans living abroad to return home, and Patrick A Howell, a successful entrepreneur, will discuss how startups and small businesses in Africa can get funding from investors in the Caribbean.

This will again be the subject of discussion at the Africa SME Assembly which you can attend both physically or virtually in March 2024.

This is the most inclusive event bringing key players in the SME ecosystem across the continent, setting the stage for an unprecedented gathering of Africa's brightest minds, industry leaders, policymakers, and entrepreneurs at the Africa SME Assembly to discuss “Unlocking the Full Potential of African SMEs” at the prestigious J.F. Ade. Ajayi Auditorium in Lagos, Nigeria, scheduled for March 29th-30th, 2024.

This groundbreaking event aims to shape the future of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the continent, as well as to discuss how to get a lot more of the African Diaspora involved in the business environment.

With a focus on resilience, growth, and sustainability. The assembly seeks to unite stakeholders and key players in the SME ecosystem from various sectors, including Manufacturing, Agriculture, Healthcare, Renewable Energy, Transportation, Logistics, and Information Technology.

Attendees can expect thought-provoking discussions led by high-profile speakers such as Mirabell Mayack, Seyi Asagun, Hon. Minister Ebube George Ebisike, Wofai Samuel, Ajibola Jinadu, and Dr. Faith Nwaobia, among others. These experts will share invaluable insights and strategies to empower SMEs, foster innovation, and drive economic development in Africa.

Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Division and Resistance

Yet, the path to Blaxit is not without its obstacles. Deep-seated prejudices, historical grievances, and vested interests threaten to undermine the unity and collaboration essential to its success.

Divisions within the diaspora and among African communities serve as formidable barriers to collective action, perpetuating cycles of mistrust and disunity.

Moreover, resistance from entrenched power structures vested in maintaining the status quo poses a formidable challenge to Blaxit's transformative potential.

Overcoming these barriers necessitates a concerted effort to dismantle divisive narratives, foster dialogue, and cultivate a shared vision of collective upliftment.

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The Power of Return: Investing in Africa's Future

At its essence, Blaxit represents a profound investment in Africa's future – a bold declaration of faith in the continent's capacity to rise above adversity and reclaim its rightful place on the global stage.

It offers a platform for diaspora entrepreneurs to channel their talents and resources towards building sustainable enterprises and driving inclusive growth.

Moreover, it catalyzes cultural reconnection, enabling individuals to rediscover and celebrate their heritage amidst the rich tapestry of African culture and tradition.

In embracing Blaxit, individuals embark on a journey of empowerment, solidarity, and collective resurgence, forging a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.

The Reality of Returning To Africa To Start a Business

Returning to Africa as someone from the black diaspora, especially after being born and raised in the West, entails confronting the harsh realities of infrastructure challenges that often pose significant obstacles to daily life and business operations. 

One of the most pressing issues is unreliable access to electricity, with frequent power outages disrupting productivity and hindering economic growth. However, innovative companies like Omnivat Tech are pioneering solutions to this problem through their containerized solar electricity systems. 

By leveraging renewable energy sources, these systems provide a reliable and sustainable alternative to traditional power grids, empowering communities and businesses to thrive despite unreliable infrastructure.

 Additionally, other companies such as M-KOPA and Azuri Technologies are leveraging mobile technology and innovative financing models to provide affordable solar energy solutions to off-grid communities, further bridging the gap in access to electricity and driving positive socioeconomic change across Africa. 

Despite the challenges, the concerted efforts of these pioneering companies offer hope for a brighter future, where reliable electricity access catalyzes economic empowerment and sustainable development.

In addition to innovative energy solutions like solar electricity systems, there are various other types of infrastructure solutions being developed to address the challenges faced in Africa. One notable area of focus is transportation infrastructure, where initiatives such as the construction of modern highways, railways, and ports aim to improve connectivity within and between countries, facilitating trade and economic growth. 

Furthermore, advancements in digital infrastructure, such as the expansion of broadband internet access and the development of mobile payment systems, are enhancing communication networks and enabling greater access to information and financial services. 

Additionally, initiatives to improve water and sanitation infrastructure, including the implementation of clean water supply systems and sanitation facilities, are crucial for promoting public health and enhancing quality of life.

 Moreover, investments in healthcare infrastructure, such as the construction of hospitals and clinics equipped with modern medical equipment, are essential for improving healthcare delivery and addressing prevalent health challenges. Overall, a multifaceted approach to infrastructure development is necessary to address the diverse needs of African communities and foster sustainable development across the continent.


In conclusion, the concept of Blaxit and the movement of diaspora entrepreneurs returning to Africa present a transformative opportunity to reshape the continent's economic landscape and foster prosperity.

By leveraging the talents, skills, and resources of individuals from the black diaspora, Africa stands to benefit from increased innovation, entrepreneurship, and collaboration. However, realizing this potential requires addressing the systemic challenges that have long hindered Africa's development, including inadequate infrastructure, limited access to essential services, and ingrained beliefs about Africa's potential.

Through innovative solutions and collective action, such as those exemplified by companies like Omnivat Tech and M-KOPA, progress is being made in overcoming these obstacles and paving the way for a brighter future. As we continue to support and empower diaspora entrepreneurs and invest in sustainable development initiatives, we can build a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How does Blaxit impact Africa's economy?

Blaxit has the potential to significantly boost Africa's economy by attracting skilled migrants, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting investment in key sectors such as technology, agriculture, and renewable energy.

2. What challenges does Blaxit face?

Blaxit faces challenges such as resistance from entrenched power structures, historical divisions within the diaspora, and misconceptions about Africa's economic potential.

3. How can collaboration between the diaspora and African nations benefit both parties?

Collaboration can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes, including knowledge exchange, skills transfer, and the creation of innovative solutions to pressing challenges facing both the diaspora and African nations.

4. What role does culture play in the Blaxit movement?

Culture plays a central role in Blaxit, catalyzing cultural reconnection, identity affirmation, and collective empowerment among individuals of African descent.

5. How can individuals contribute to the Blaxit movement?

Individuals can contribute to Blaxit by supporting initiatives that promote economic development, fostering dialogue and collaboration, and challenging stereotypes and misconceptions about Africa's potential.

6. What are some success stories of Blaxit initiatives?

Numerous success stories are emerging from Blaxit initiatives, including thriving businesses, impactful partnerships, and innovative projects that are driving positive change and economic development across Africa.

Tanya Kabuya is the founder of Wizz Digital, a South Africa & Nigeria-based business growth strategy consultancy that assists Tech Startups & consulting businesses to grow their audiences, attract clients, and cultivate brand recognition through social media & digital assets by deploying the Content Marketing Ecosystem Playbook, our proprietary Framework. They support their clients to attain profitable growth, implement a revenue team to remove founders from sales,&scale sustainably to create businesses that are turnkey solutions that can be exited at high multiples. Find out more

Tanya Kabuya
Tanya Kabuya

Receive a bimonthly newsletter " #SaturdayBizLessons" with the BTS life & business from Tanya the founder of Wizz Digital Group & editor-chief in Chief of Business Creed Magazine as she undertakes to build clients' businesses and fixing operations while also spearheading her passion project of helping build the African Business Ecosystem

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