Fundraising vs Bootstrapping: What is Best for Your Startup Business

Discover the pros and cons of fundraising vs bootstrapping for your startup. Learn when it's best to choose fundraising and when it's best to bootstrap to achieve your business goals. Get the information you need to make an informed decision


Editorial Team

2/8/20234 min read

Starting a new business is a thrilling experience for a startup founder and new business owner. It is a journey that is filled with excitement, uncertainty, and a plethora of decisions that need to be made. Amongst those decisions to be made, one of the biggest decisions a startup founder will face is how to fund their business. The two main options available to startups are fundraising and bootstrapping. You find options such as crowdfunding, microfinancing, venture capital, Angel Investing, and traditional lending as part of fundraising. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of each method to help you determine which one is best for your startup.

What is Fundraising?

Fundraising is the process of raising capital from investors, either through debt financing or equity financing. Debt financing involves borrowing money from an investor, who will receive a fixed rate of return on their investment, and you find both secured or unsecured options. Equity financing involves selling a portion of your company's ownership to investors in exchange for capital, this is often done through angel investing or venture capital.

Pros of Fundraising

Large Infusions of Capital: One of the biggest advantages of fundraising is that it can provide startups with large infusions of capital quickly which for certain industries that are heavy on R&D is needed. This capital can be used to fund business operations, product development, and marketing efforts.

Network of Connections: Raising capital from investors also provides startups with access to a network of connections and resources that they may want so they can grow their business faster. Investors can provide valuable advice and mentorship, as well as introductions to potential customers and partners.

Validation: Raising capital from investors can be a validation of your business idea and a vote of confidence in your team. This validation can be a powerful motivator for startups and can provide them with the confidence they need to succeed.

Cons of Fundraising

Dilution of Ownership: One of the biggest disadvantages of fundraising is that it can dilute the ownership of the company. As the number of shareholders increases, the control of the company can shift away from the original founders. This can often exasperate some founders as they often lose a level of autonomy in decision-making.

Pressure to Perform: Fundraising also puts pressure on startups to perform. Investors want to see a return on their investment, and startups must deliver on their promises to maintain their support.

Increased Regulation: Finally, fundraising can result in increased regulation and administrative responsibilities. Startups must comply with securities laws and reporting requirements, and they may be subject to regular audits and inspections.

What Is Bootstrapping?

Bootstrapping is the process of starting a business with limited resources and without external funding. This method involves using personal savings, credit cards, and other sources of funding to finance business operations. One popular method for bootstrappers is often to presell products or launch an MVP and use those funds as startup funds. This also enables them to validate demand for the product straight from the market.

Pros of Bootstrapping

Ownership Control: One of the biggest advantages of bootstrapping is that it allows startups to maintain complete control over their business. With no external investors to answer to, startups can make decisions that are in their best interests and how they may see fit.

Flexibility: Bootstrapping also provides startups with a great deal of flexibility. With limited resources, startups must be creative and resourceful in finding solutions to problems that force founders to think outside of the box, which can lead to innovative and unique business models.

Lower Risk: Bootstrapping also involves lower risk than fundraising. Without external funding, there is less pressure on startups to perform and deliver on their promises, and there is no need to comply with securities laws and reporting requirements.

Cons of Bootstrapping

Limited Resources: One of the biggest disadvantages of bootstrapping is that it limits the resources available to startups. With limited capital, startups may have to forgo growth opportunities or delay product development which can hurt the business in the short run.

Slow Growth: Bootstrapping can also result in slow growth for startups. Without access to large infusions of capital, startups may struggle to scale their business and reach their full potential.

Personal Financial Risk: Finally, bootstrapping can put personal financial risk on the founder. Using personal savings, credit cards, and other sources of funding to finance a business can be risky, and if the business fails, the founder may be left with substantial debt or have lost their savings. In other words, founders are betting the farm with this one.

It is obvious that there is no right or wrong answer to how you choose to fund your startup business, but there are certain things to take into consideration. So, the question that arises would be, when should you pick either? And here is how to make the choice:

When to Choose Bootstrapping

If your startup is in its early stages and you have a product or service that can generate revenue from the get-go, bootstrapping may be the best choice for your startup. With bootstrapping, you have complete control over your business and can make decisions quickly without having to consult with investors. Additionally, if you have a lean business model and are able to generate significant revenue with minimal overhead costs, you may be able to sustain and grow your business without the need for outside funding.

When to Choose Fundraising

If your startup requires a significant amount of capital to get off the ground, such as some tech startup that requires significant investments in R&D and development, fundraising may be the better option. Additionally, if you are looking to scale your business quickly and need large infusions of capital to do so, fundraising can provide the necessary resources to achieve your growth goals. And finally, if you have a unique and compelling business idea that has the potential to generate substantial returns for investors, fundraising may be the best way to secure the resources you need to bring your vision to life.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to bootstrap or raise funds will depend on your specific circumstances and goals for your business. Careful consideration of your resources, revenue potential, and growth goals will help you make the best decision for your startup.


In conclusion, both fundraising and bootstrapping have their pros and cons, and the best approach for your startup will depend on your specific circumstances and goals. If you need large infusions of capital quickly and are willing to give up some control over your business, then fundraising may be the best option for you. However, if you value ownership control, flexibility, and lower risk, then bootstrapping may be a better choice. Ultimately, the best approach for your startup will depend on your specific circumstances, goals, and tolerance for risk. It is important to carefully consider all the factors involved before making a decision.

Fundraising vs Bootstrapping For Your Startup
Fundraising vs Bootstrapping For Your Startup
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